Sunday, April 15, 2007

Whimsical Angels | The Mask click HERE

"Country Song Lyrics-Photo Puzzles and A Wing In the Fire of Moods"

I came across a woman
she shared no emotions that felt kind
not with me.
Country song lyrics came to mind.
No smiles
no eyes that said today could be special.
No energy
except for her own sullenness
her own self indulgence.

I became someone in parenthesis.
No matter my life may have in fact known darker days
she would never know.
I don't suppose it really matters.
It is not as if she and I would ever be friends.

Yet the day would have
could have
had a softer presence.

It take so little really
just a little smile
a simple recognition.
It takes so little to rise to the occasion
see life outside of ones own breath.
Photo puzzles deciphered
country lyrics understood
just one wing in the fire.

I have thought of her
on an off
since that day I saw her sitting
slumped over
measuring my worth?
I am not sure of that.
I would not want to be unfair.

There was a breeze that day
I heard it gently in my ear.
It touched me through my hair.
I was reminded of different days
hard days
difficult days
a wing
just one left behind
and in the fire
more than a country lyric
more than a bad song.
Sad days
photo puzzles
never finding their place on the shelf.
Days I did not want to be in.

I then thought about that woman
decided to give her the benefit of the doubt
reasons to be sullen.
Paths I could not be savvy to.
One never knows.

and yet
I want to feel the rain
the breeze
share smiles
no matter what.
Hope beyond
a wing that burns
have a glint in my eye
to share
even if no one looks up.

by Kathy Ostman-Magnusen
15 April 2007

Check out the link at the top, it is from one of the pages of my website called,

Whimsical Angels | The Mask

It is the about the journey of an artist finding her way.

The image above is Whimsical Angels | The Mask
48x36 oil, gold leaf on canvas

The original painting will be shown at my up and coming show:


April 26-June 2, 2007

Reception: April 26
5-8 pm

Monkdogz Urban Art
547 West 27 Street
(between 10 and 11 Avenues)
Chelsea, New York City
New York


Website page for this painting along with information to purchase giclees,posters and
greeting cards may be found at:

Click Monkdogz banner above to discover more.

Click my banner to sign up for my mailing list as well as read the rest of the journey.

Aloha, Kathy

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A Fantasy Fairies Dream Just Inside a Whisper

"A Fantasy Fairies Dream Just Inside a Whisper"

One Fairy whispered in my ear.
She told me a beautiful story.
I envisioned all the flowers
the scent they gave
the pond from where she came.
She had returned for a spell.
A spell on me
perhaps on you.

The mountains of Africa
have always been her home.
She whispered of treasures there.
Lobelia growing on trees
colors everywhere
covering the ground with love.
Exotic animals
stretched out over the landscape
feeling the space of
free horizons
such a beautiful dream.

I whispered back
hesitant at first
but I had questions.

I loved her.
I loved the idea of her
my magic fairy
my fantasy
my humble imagination.

I wondered why
her last visit with me
had been so short.
I barely had time to offer tea
cookies or chocolate.
I had found
charming stories
and saved them inside my pocket
lest she come.
I longed to tell her of their messages
and what they meant to me.
Why couldn't she stay with me always?

I wondered where she came from first.
Was it from a rainbow?
Had she simply appeared one day
after a storm?
Maybe after a storm of mine?

I whispered my questions
she smiled a loving smile at me
but then
she flew away.

I longed with all my heart
to take hold of time.
cradling the flowers she left for me
I bowed my head to weep
My longing not realized
that she stay longer.
I almost wanted to capture her
put her in a jar.

I feel you worried for her now.
No need.
I know what you feel is true
and wise.

As much as I love her
her life is open skies.
She is not mine
nor yours of course.

I hear a whisper in my ear
yet this time
it only comes back as the wind.

I will wait.
I will feel the softness of her.
Ah, she is such a fragile image.
I will drink tea
make cookies for later
and look out on to the sea
from where One Fairy came.

You are such a lovely reminder of her.
Thank you.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen |

"Dark Fantasy Art|Fantasy Art Wallpaper"

Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.
I step out onto the dust
feel it touch my sins.
I know its time to move forward.
I thrive in the mystery of what can be.
I fold up all the symptoms of regret.
I see its torment.
I speak wisely to myself
and yet
I know myself too well.
I will stand before my paintings
brush in hand
ready for the strokes
I touch another dimension
I hold its mystery.
I sing to the music
hear its intrusion
it soaks up discontent.
I wipe my brow
I take cotton
wipe the blood away.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

I struggle unwisely at times.
No way to move past corners.
I wake up to what could be
host it all with coffee.
I sit and plan my stride.
I reach inside my pocket
full of lint.
'Stop it!"
I say.
Stop all the disbelief
and contend with unpainted canvases.
They wait
they decide my fate if I let them.
I coat myself with vinegar and soap
I will wash away these nightmares
three times.
Oh and yet no
toss and turn
who will I be today?
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

Blankets cover up potential
sure things.
Sentimental musings
untidy kitchen
blinded by the knowledge
of well meant affirmations.
Clearly I am allowed
allow myself
to come into a vision.
Yes, I sigh
despite my back and forth
troubled mind
at times.
All is well.
That is what I choose for this moment
that is all I need to see.
Paint on I tell myself.
Dream and make glitter out of nonsense.
Retreat to where I know I am magic.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

9 February 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Free ART at

"Baby Roses and Gardening Tips For the Soul, I Still Grieve For You"

So many miles away now
yet still I contemplate the loss.
Sometimes living in regret is useful
and softens future assessments.
I try to hear the voices in-between.

Bright eyes
they do not decide my flight
my intended journey.
I comb the colors of your claims
decipher their uses
press on regardless.

I pruned the roses
because I heard them breathing.
I set their alarm
golden rules developed over time.

I looked out the window
noticed all the consequences
they lined the driveway.
I tried to focus on their dance
rather than their intension.
They lean sometimes too far
pull me apart in crowded rooms
of malcontents.

No matter how many layers
of well being
they often lie.

I always hear them whisper
after laughing.

Such nerve.
I pack up my paints
join the brigade
that only I can see now.
I chase after moons that rest.

coming out somewhere
leaning somewhere
somewhere from the grave.
I hear you...
Try to hear myself as well
Yes, I try.
And yet...
I grieve all the day
because your presence
chose to meet me.

Quiet roar.
I neglected to pave the way.
Who knew I would ever regret
bow my head
about the struggles outcome?

I pass the day
doing best I can.
I try to give honor
to stolen baby roses.
I should grow them here now.
Find their little souls.
I would have gathered them
long ago
saved their voices for my pleasure.
Too late?

So many miles away now.
I stood on the beach
and thought I heard you breathing.

3 February 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen


ABOUT Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

I paint and sculpt female fantasy art and map faery tale adventures.

I dream of , whimsical angel pictures, legends of mermaids and fairies in art. Tiny angels whisper fantasy art, these innocent angels guide me. I also paint fantasy art of exotic women

Sign up for my mailing list for FREE ART GIFTS

I will from time to time offer Free magical gifts. Free poems, whimsical musicians artwork, fantasy art of exotic women, I'll also have a bit of fairy advise and gifts ideas!

Giclee canvas art work, greeting cards and posters available for sale as well.

I have illustrated for Hay House Inc.,"Women Who Do Too Much" CARDS taken from Anne Wilson Schaef's book. I also illustrated for Neil Davidson, who was considered for the Pulitzer Prize in feature writing, and several other publications. My paintings are collected worldwide.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Free ART at

I got the word from Robert Hogge from Monkdogz Urban Art in Chelsea about my New York show yesterday! YAY!

The show will be called "Damez" and will be an all woman show with women from all around the world. There will be around 7 of us. The show is set for April 26th- June 2nd, 2007. Opening night April 26th.

YAY!! I also have a "One Woman Show" in April at Wailoa State Building in Hilo. Wow! The same time as the Merry Monarch Festival in Hilo on the Big Island. I better get to my painting for the day!

Thank you so much again to Nicole Stevenson for my radio interview with you. You have such a wonderful way about you that it is easy to feel at ease. Blessings for that.

Thank you too for your inclusion of my website and offer of free gifts. Legends of Mermaids, Fantasy Fairies, Goddess Art along with a Letter from the Tooth Fairy Dallyanna.

YES! I know her by name. She brings me wonderful teas and stephanotis from the mountains of Africa. We chat for hours of her many adventures.

My website tells the story of creative adventure... it goes along with the images that I painted. It is all about the search for self and our acceptance of who we are and who we hope to be.

My newsletters are along the same vein of my website. Holding a single leaf and realizing how amazing it is. Wow... how much more amazing are we?

Greeting Cards; Posters; and Fine Art Giclees (digital photos) on Canvas are available for sale on my website as well! Yay!

Blessings and Aloha,

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen Free Gifts click here

Fantasy Fairies In Flight, Fantasy Fairies and Castles, Fairy Coloring Pages

Fairy Coloring Pages
I can do anything my heart says that is so
I keep ideas in a basket
I created long ago.

Flight for the commando
I hold a rock in hand.
You will not enter my fort of mud and dirt.
I have lined the edges with sticks and branches
I have gathered an army of old dollies
They sit at a table set for tea.

I have blocked its doorway
the entrance now is closed.
No enemy of fantasy fairies allowed!
I yell.

I swim far and wide
a tiny doughboy pool.
I grab hold of a never ending length of seaweed
a garden hose if you please.
It leads me to the Gandolf of the sea
the treasure worth the underwater journey.
Mermaid greet me
I offer them my dollies supper.

I build a little house
adobe brick I saw on TV.
I form them from the dirt
in my fathers garden
tiny squares
a castle it will be.
I shape them with my fingers
seeing their magnificence
imagining their length into the sky.
I line them up on a brick
and watch them as they dry.

My dog comes by and licks me
a funny little lad.
I offer him some sandwich
my mother made me
'tis lunchtime in the grove.
Potted meat
don't ever read
the ingredients she says
or you will never eat these yummy
sandwiches again.

I bounce up and down
a pogo stick meets my feat
I bounce for hours
just to see
It some time limit I can meet.

I walk on stilts
taller still
than any monster be
I quote my father
when he is angry
Just let me be.

Looking out into the sky
I feel the lonely night
remembering those adventures
that filled a little girl with fantasy and flight.
Remarkable today
no competition will be felt
for all those magical moment
I knew when I was young.
a little girl, a fantasy fairy
the captain of the fort.
I hold those days with awe
and kiss them on this day.

Fairy Coloring Pages
I can do anything my heart says that is so
I keep ideas in a basket
I created long ago.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Treatment of a Compound Fractures, Tiny Angels Hold Me

Nine months ago I fell down a full flight of stairs, thirteen steps. This is a story about my experience of the treatment of a compound fractures.

I had flown in the night before to see my sister. In the morning we went on her usual hike, two big dogs in tow. My goal was to hike with the same stride of my sisters and touch the same rock she touched each morning as she travailed the path before her. It was not a competitive edge that led me, rather one of sharing. I wanted to share her space and her life and touch her rock that satisfied her goal of meeting that mark.

We hiked that morning, took in the wonderful smells of the mountains; the pines. There is no more memorable a fragrance. We chattered, tried to catch our breaths in between laughter and the sound of our boots hitting the surface of the dirt and rocks as we headed towards our destination.

When we returned I took a shower, put on my makeup and headed towards the stairs. Looking back I guess I was both tired from the flight the day before and the hike that I was not in perfect shape for. I am not sure how exactly I only know that from the top I simply lost my balance. I fell forward from the top of the stairs. As in a car accident or any other accident yes I saw my whole life flash before me. The main thought that rushed into my head was, "Don't break your neck!"

The first thing that hit the stairs must have been my right hand. I did not feel it, I only understood that I was falling. I then landed on my ribs and ultimately the right side of my face. It was a very scary thing indeed.

After finally landing I realized that at least I had not broken my neck, my greatest fear. My sister and brother-in-law ran to find me at the bottom of the stairs. I had yelled out when first I realized that I was falling. My legs still positioned upwards, my face, part of my chest and hands the only things touching the floor at the bottom. I picked up my head from the floor. Blood flowed from my mouth telling all and me that I had apparently bitten my lip as my face hit my final destination. Kind of funny how we almost hope to see blood so we can say, "See! I am too hurt!"

It took awhile to finally decide that I could move forward. I crawled into the kitchen. My brother-in-law helped me to a chair. It looked as if I may have broken my ankle but most assuredly had broken my wrist, my right wrist. The bones pushed up against the skin. This was not something a band aid would cover. I would need treatment of a compound fractures.

I have to tell you here that I am not a doctor person. I just don't go very much. It was clear to me though that this was going to cause me to seek one out.

My sister took me to an emergency care clinic. After ex-rays I was relieved to know that I had not broken my ankle as well.

"You are going to need an operation. We will schedule one for you later today. You should go to the hospital now and check in." the staff at the emergency clinic told me.

"What?" All I could think of quite honestly was the cost. I, like so many Americans have no health insurance. My sister did not have home owners. My plight became daunting at that point as I sifted through thoughts of helplessness.

"How much will this cost?" my sister inquired. I could only sit there and cry.

"Well, it could cost anywhere up to eighteen, twenty... ummm one thousand dollars." the aid replied.

I just sat there crying because there was no way I could possibly afford that. I thought then too how very lucky I was for it not being worse. I also thought about the plight of a lot of Americans without health insurance. I felt helpless.

"It is possible that the doctor might agree to set it in his office." the attendants finally said. Now there were quite a few because they were genuinely concerned for me. Sweet.

I could go to see the doctor in three days and he would decide then if it was possible, keep it elevated and the swelling down they said.

The day of the doctors visit my sister took me and we both waited to hear the doctors verdict. "Yes, I will attempt to do this for you." the doctor said to my relief. YAY!


OK! The doctor gave me a shot into my broken arm, ewww! He put my fingers into a contraption that looked like a bunch of Chinese finger puzzles hanging from chains connected to a pole. I was told to try to relax my arm and let it hang, ewww! Twenty minutes or so went by and the doctor announced that we were ready to go. My sister held my hand. I announced that I would tell a story I remembered about a dragon on the beach that I had met in California. A fairy tale to some but I am convinced to this day it is a true story.

My sister cried and I cried as I told the story of the dragon and the doctor pulled, pulled on my arm. Do I have to add ewww here? EWWW!

The bone was set, an ex-ray showed it took. YAY! Treatment of a compound fractures done. A cast was put on my arm, purple was my choice. The total bill came to almost twenty five hundred dollars.

I will continue this story under another heading. I received severe nerve damage and have had to climb that uphill trail. I am an artist, yes right handed. It has been difficult this recovery but I am able to paint again. My hand will never be the same but I am grateful that I can paint.

Let those fantasy fairies lift you, hold you. Tiny angels will break you fall.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Whimsical Angels|Fantasy Fairies|Legends of Mermaids|I Cradle Their Story

Magic happens
stars blink and moonbeams laugh out loud.
May creativity bloom like orchids
and laughter from fairies be your guiding song.
I will cradle every story
comfort sad endings
hope for the best
and meet your potential with warm smiles.
My forest fairy
mermaid lore
I treasure the fable
the mystery of your treasure.
I count the days
I measure the glow
I know your glances will restore me.
I take a tiny drop of water
let it touch a blossoms stamen
watch it move down to the center
of its connected flower.
One single moment
taken out from the day
to do something so small
insignificant to some I guess.
'Tis often to me as well.
Yet today
at this moment
I see the simple and cherish its visions.
Legends of mermaids
had at times moved past me
I had forgotten to notice
there far away singing.
Tiny yes
it seems I walked right past them.
I did not hear their somber acceptance
that they had been forewarned
by old habits of mine
stumbling in the grass.
Their tears I would not recognize
their heros had disappeared.
My forest fairy
my mermaids song
sweet breath from your story
shape my footsteps
as the leaf drops from its flowers petals.
Oh laughter
between the tears
I thought I heard you calling.
Poor pitiful glow
stars that shine at night
I had not noticed your glowing
as much at this song now allows.
I had not noticed your importance
to this jealousy of hope.
I tried to glean your energy
I tried to harness your home.
But the sky felt like it was falling
so I could not reach for its hopeful
yet fading, to me, inner tune.
There was a box outside the moon.
Alas I step out of my circle
tie ribbons on its rhythm
and coax my gentle whimsical angels home.
I sing this song to me
I pick its magnificent orchid
and ride the winds song
gently, safely home.