Sunday, January 14, 2007

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Fantasy Fairies In Flight, Fantasy Fairies and Castles, Fairy Coloring Pages

Fairy Coloring Pages
I can do anything my heart says that is so
I keep ideas in a basket
I created long ago.

Flight for the commando
I hold a rock in hand.
You will not enter my fort of mud and dirt.
I have lined the edges with sticks and branches
I have gathered an army of old dollies
They sit at a table set for tea.

I have blocked its doorway
the entrance now is closed.
No enemy of fantasy fairies allowed!
I yell.

I swim far and wide
a tiny doughboy pool.
I grab hold of a never ending length of seaweed
a garden hose if you please.
It leads me to the Gandolf of the sea
the treasure worth the underwater journey.
Mermaid greet me
I offer them my dollies supper.

I build a little house
adobe brick I saw on TV.
I form them from the dirt
in my fathers garden
tiny squares
a castle it will be.
I shape them with my fingers
seeing their magnificence
imagining their length into the sky.
I line them up on a brick
and watch them as they dry.

My dog comes by and licks me
a funny little lad.
I offer him some sandwich
my mother made me
'tis lunchtime in the grove.
Potted meat
don't ever read
the ingredients she says
or you will never eat these yummy
sandwiches again.

I bounce up and down
a pogo stick meets my feat
I bounce for hours
just to see
It some time limit I can meet.

I walk on stilts
taller still
than any monster be
I quote my father
when he is angry
Just let me be.

Looking out into the sky
I feel the lonely night
remembering those adventures
that filled a little girl with fantasy and flight.
Remarkable today
no competition will be felt
for all those magical moment
I knew when I was young.
a little girl, a fantasy fairy
the captain of the fort.
I hold those days with awe
and kiss them on this day.

Fairy Coloring Pages
I can do anything my heart says that is so
I keep ideas in a basket
I created long ago.

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