Friday, February 9, 2007

Kathy Ostman-Magnusen |

"Dark Fantasy Art|Fantasy Art Wallpaper"

Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.
I step out onto the dust
feel it touch my sins.
I know its time to move forward.
I thrive in the mystery of what can be.
I fold up all the symptoms of regret.
I see its torment.
I speak wisely to myself
and yet
I know myself too well.
I will stand before my paintings
brush in hand
ready for the strokes
I touch another dimension
I hold its mystery.
I sing to the music
hear its intrusion
it soaks up discontent.
I wipe my brow
I take cotton
wipe the blood away.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

I struggle unwisely at times.
No way to move past corners.
I wake up to what could be
host it all with coffee.
I sit and plan my stride.
I reach inside my pocket
full of lint.
'Stop it!"
I say.
Stop all the disbelief
and contend with unpainted canvases.
They wait
they decide my fate if I let them.
I coat myself with vinegar and soap
I will wash away these nightmares
three times.
Oh and yet no
toss and turn
who will I be today?
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

Blankets cover up potential
sure things.
Sentimental musings
untidy kitchen
blinded by the knowledge
of well meant affirmations.
Clearly I am allowed
allow myself
to come into a vision.
Yes, I sigh
despite my back and forth
troubled mind
at times.
All is well.
That is what I choose for this moment
that is all I need to see.
Paint on I tell myself.
Dream and make glitter out of nonsense.
Retreat to where I know I am magic.
Dark fantasy art
fantasy art wallpaper.

9 February 2007
Kathy Ostman-Magnusen

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